The Quest for Real Truth in Today’s World


Everywhere we look today, things seem a bit… tilted. News. Photos. Stories. Most of them have a spin. They’re painted, adjusted, and tweaked. The world that we live in today is blurry at best. Rarely do we get to see pure, untouched truth.

Think about the news. It’s not just facts anymore. There’s often a hidden push in one direction. John shows his shiny car on social media. But is he also showing his big loan? And Emily’s smiling photo? What about the challenges hidden deep beneath the surface of her life?

Politics is a good example. We hear loud slogans and catchy speeches. But are the politicians truly looking out for the best interest of the people that they were elected to represent? Or is there a deeper, ulterior motive at play that ultimately benefits their own interests and pocket book? And when there’s a big event on the other side of the world, we only get part of the story. The historical reasons, the local people’s tales, and the true heroes often stay hidden.

In health, it’s much the same. We trust doctors a lot. Their words feel like the final say. But medicine has many faces…one of which is money. Why is it that some natural, holistic or old-school ways that have helped people for ages are no longer accepted within the medical industry? Worse yet, alternative solutions and voices are ridiculed, shunned and eliminated. 

And everyday choices? Even harder. A label says “organic”, but what does that really mean? Where did it come from? Is it truly organic or just called it because a company found a loophole to be able to leverage the organic marketing angle?

Here’s the thing: in today’s world, pure, straight facts are rare. Most things come with a little twist or a slight bend. What we’re told by “authorities” doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s true. Yet so many people believe that it is.

One of the unique aspects of the human race is our ability to think and reason. But doing so requires curiosity, commitment and an open-mind to what you may find.

Ask. Question. Dig deeper. Don’t just take what’s given. Seek out the full story by doing your own investigation to determine what is real, untouched truth. That’s gold in today’s world. Challenge yourself to seek and find it.

About the author

Dr. Brad Semp

Dr. Brad Semp is a CEO who drives success through holistic yet radical thinking and non-traditional strategies. As a servant leader, Dr. Brad regularly shares his thoughts, mindset and experiences on his blog at

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By Dr. Brad Semp